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AllForYou@2020 Doctrine

Updated: Jul 27, 2022

What is the Solution?

First we will enact Military law if it is "clear" the president refuses to uphold and enforce the Law of the Land which is the Constitution of the United States of America. The general will take the seat till the investigations and process is done. The Presidency to include Kamala, Pelosi, and Fauci are all suspect of treason, should they be found guilty during the investigation they and any other president, to include those before Biden will be held accountable. In reality they all promoted, endorsed and signed the documents which lay waist to the law of the land.

Treason Alert Line:

We will enact a 24 hour a day 7 day a week 365 day a year Treason Alert Line. This is will be used to protect both the president and the people as a direct line from citizens. This will be used to report violations of the constitution which merit Treason.

Country Wide App:

This application will be usable on your phone, you will use it to vote as it will take your photo and thumb print to verify your identify as well as requiring your name to Match said phone, it will even require a biorhythm, temperature and voice recognition all together. On this app will be a discussion forum where every citizen can explore and engage in constitutional debate. This will be required by the president to visit and discuss once every other day for at least 1 hour. There is a common misconception I will clarify. The attempt to use ignorance to dismiss the information is not a valid argument. It is a dismissal.

As two rational, logical, moral creature's it is a discussion of knowledge. Arguments are from a lack of education and understanding. This app will require both thumb prints, and the voice recognition that uses audio recognition to detect distress, The individual will be required to say "I am not under distress and vote of my own free will as an American Citizen" while requiring authenticated bio prints from both thumbs on each hand.

The use of a paper ballot system if required. To do this we will create a mobile self sanitizing 5th wheel trailer that has hand sanitizing stations inside and outside. Sanitation begins before and after each use. The self sanitizing system will use a misting spray to cleanse the interior of the unit after the user exits. Each ballot box entrance would alternate, from side to side to maintain the 6 foot rule. Each trailer would have a step by step "how to safely vote" instruction inside and outside. Barriers would be between each entrance. Each voter would be require to have valid ID at the time of voting in hand and the system will take a photo of the user at the time of voting which will be placed with the data and used to verify authenticity. The voters registration system will consist of a number based lottery system to ensure any paper ballots are not duplicated and will be checked upon entry into the system and upon re-verification a number will be applied to the time stamp at the time of use with a separate number to enforce system wide authenticity this number will then be associated with the ballot number, this is a 2 number system for added security if any of these numbers do not align the vote will need to be recertified through the voter intent recertification process. The casino based high-definition camera systems will be used and maintained during the entire process.

We will implement a series of data storage systems that will be used to verify each vote against the other databased and any discrepancies will cause a re-verification, each database should be store in both the state county and federal system and copied transmitted and stored on the connected and unconnected system this prevents manipulation and ensures validity of the database. A finger print and voice recognition or photo will ensure a 2 step verification is used on paper ballots as well. Since this is a mobile unit you will be required to present at minimum your ID, photo, and fingerprint. If you do not have a cell phone for the voting app re-verification one will be provided. This ensures voter integrity. Ballot dropping of a verified voter through the app may be accepted and will require voter intent verification through the app with voice, finger, photo security. Every vote submitted this way must be verified through the voters intent before it is accepted. This will be done by the phone app after submission and before lawful counting of the vote. All IP addresses will be logged for security and stored within your user access records. This ensures that if any issue comes up with your voter intent that the system and authorities can then verify who accessed the system.

Vaccine and Treatment enforcement:

The vaccine industry will be forced to implement the same science used to create the vaccine for polio instead of treatments for all infectious diseases. An investigation into these programs must be conducted and each treatment must be examined to be determined if it is a cure able infectious disease or a usable treatment. The Comparison is Polio vaccine vrs Hiv and Chemo. <--This is wrong. It should be Polio Vaccine vrs Hiv Vaccine. <--this is right.

Legislative Jury Assessment:

Before Legislation can be sent to the government for review and vote it will be required to pass 100,000 randomly selected verified voters and pass with absolute 100% approval. They will be required to Morally and Logically correct each issue and resubmit. Where it will then have to pass that individual who made the comment to fix and the new 100,000 people selected at random. This will ensure that the government will never be able to produce anything like CRT but instead will promote a solution like Police Reform 1.0 T.E.A.M.I.F.

How to protect the Accused:

Since they removed the ability to take more then 10,000 dollars for a act of treason, it stands to reason they may ask for execution. In this case we will ask they request mercy from the court and submit to lifetime house arrest and ankle monitoring, Liquidation of all known and unknown assets. Made so it is illegal to touch a un-monitored electronic device so that even if they have unknown assets they will not have the opportunity to use them. They will be given 70% compensation roughly 1500 or so dollars a month and placed on section 8 and given a q link phone, they will be required to live under surveillance 24 hours a day except in the bathroom and bedroom. Anyone on the property will be required to agree to permit all forms of monitoring or they will be told to leave. Treason to even help them make a phone call of a monitored device. They will not be permitted to trade, stocks, or work. This includes a probation officer.

Military Veto:

The military needs a way to be able to directly veto any other form of legislation that violates the moral, logical and reasonable use of the constitution without having to use military law or force. A veto will be given to the military General to be use at any time on any thing to include a fillabuster. There are no exemptions. This includes past legislation, all modifications since the day it was written. This will be used to strike the section in HR1 that permits funds to enter the pockets of the elected.

Returning the Power to the People:

The general will hold the seat and uphold the duties there in until the investigations of systems used to permit disease mongering, and intellectual negligence is complete, and the implementation of Police Reform 1.0 T.E.A.M.I.F. If this lasts till the next presidential term, No persons who are suspect shall be permitted to apply for the presidency for Article 3 states: Shall never "Hold Office". If they are found innocent they will be permitted to apply.

Removal/Revision of the Electoral College:

With this voting system and its security we will not be approving of intellectually incompetent colleges to continue to dismiss the will of the people. This system is no longer required though the process may be used if each member is required to follow the will of the people, this system is not to be used to do anything but verify the vote. The will of the people remains in place, no group or party shall have the right to disregard it again. The electoral college appoints individuals that fall under "No Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under he United States" and invalidates the ability to sit on the Electoral College. Prior seated members of the government, activists who received affiliation with the state and federal government from previous political involvement to include lawmakers, lawyers and all other services such as civil servants and board members are ineligible to receive such appointment as they have at one time worked for the state and federal government.

Justice for the People:

Today we see missuses of celebrity justice such as David Banner where even with clear federal and criminal actions made public has no record to be found. This agency has operated this way since before 2010, many other organizations use many various methods to dismiss criminal charges, prevent litigation from being approved in a court. In reference Alanis Morrisette who was only 15 or so when she was raped repeatedly, to Carré Sutton who was just a 16 year old runaway. Also to myself who was was drugged and raped. Where I reported it and was dismissed, though thankfully a local Pastor heard me. Now I would be unable to seek justice and evidence to the same as I was even refused to rape kit. I was refused to be helped Three times by local authorities in Escondido, California.

(YOUR NAME HERE IF YOU MESS AROUND) Many groups from the music industry use sex directly as a form of control. The government has understood this but accepts money they call "Deals" where they give you lesser charges while dismissing things like rape. Many of these companies are connected to Amazon in Boardman Oregon. As well the the location of the officers who told me it was and I quote "not illegal to violate the constitution." literally. This was also tracked using an ip that resided inside the amazon Boardman complex and at the Roseland Theater.

This ends.

No group or organization to include the courthouse themselves have the right to dismiss, rape or murder charges or instances of such and are no longer allowed to accept a "Deal" that would permit such a thing. You may charge them separately, no murder, or rape will go without a complete justified solution and investigation.

The appropriate sentence would then be applied based on the judgement of the court. No group or organization shall accept funds to do the same. No lawyer will contend to dismiss any charge of rape or murder and will from this day forth be required by law to only address charges of such with direct defense. It shall become illegal for these individuals of celebrity or influence in any position of importance shall be forbidden from inviting and hosting private "un-monitored" events to include parties. These events will be illegal to send. All events will be public, to include in their workplace, everyone office, closet and entrance to every toilet or private area will have a 24 hour, anti sexual assault specialist with the same recording structure of Police Reform 1.0 T.E.A.M.I.F.

The body camera or the Life Saving Amulet will be given to the woman. Every office and public space will be monitored. It will be standard policy of any organization with a sexual misconduct history to do so.

The public demands this, because you hurt those we love.

No individual or group will have the right to accept funds for the removal or dismissal of justice to the people.

You will be required to invite them to a public venue and woe publicly.

Educated Consent:

In any relationship to include intimacy of any kind, as a agency or organization you nor does anyone else have the right to Censor information of any kind, if you have a spouse or lover and they are hiding information from you, they are manipulating you, and not permitting your free will to make the choice it chooses without them removing information from you. This is not true love. This is a form of manipulation and rape. The government does this regularly to include falsified media headlines, This include how they deal with vaccines as they do not educate you on the other possible methods that could cure you, only the ones they make money from.

So the whole world can see your love.

Shipping of Human's:

This will be solved by having the contents of the container viewable from the outside. This can be done several ways. Immediately adding see through ports and air-holes and a alert horn accessible from the inside of the container, air ports just need to operable from the inside. This can be included inside the container which holds the horn, food and water, As well as instant activating life Saving Amulet from the moment it is opened. 2-3 rings may be used.

There are even some operations that may amputate, individuals and ship them as living sex toy's, or as slaves inside amazon containers.

We will transition to completely see-through containers over time using a polymer or alloy of your picking.

This is a human sex trafficking prevention measure which will assist and prevent death and human sex trafficking as we enforce this across the board as well as a basic survival kit.

We do this as a people to show we love you. On the Life Saving Amulet, it will say "made in Taiwan with the power of love". ;)

Protection of and Support:

All victims of sexual assault shall be granted full access to section 8, free phone with the ability to call international, the Life saving amulet, and receive at min 1500 dollars a month for the rest of their lives. We will enact a world wide sexual prevention measure and give all woman on earth from birth a Life Saving Amulet. It will be illegal and considered a sexual assault to ask a woman to remove her Amulet for any reason. In addition to educated consent, a man may also wear a life saving amulet, if you at all question the intent in any way you may turn your own Life Saving Amulet, Blue and request to speak. God Bless.

Civilian Directed Support:

Welfare checks from any on any individual will be mandatory to preform if reported from anyone for any reason to include internationally received calls while all privacy is provided, to include, but not limited too, website access and extracting ip's, phone number traces but will maintain absolute privacy to the individual being checked, no information shall be given unless the individual says it is ok such as: "can you tell them thank you". No concerned citizen shall be dismissed if asking to conduct a welfare check on a potentially vulnerable person to include suicidal, sexual assault or murder report shall ever go without investigation in person. To include but not limited to, an overly intoxicated woman or a drugged woman being used and coerced in anyway, bullied into with or without malice for any intent even if it is the dishes.

Equal Sanctuary to All:

The free will of others is not protected to prevent justice or to be imposed over your free will. It is protected so that you may enjoy your free will while living in peace besides others who choose to live a different way within the boundaries your chosen sanctuaries and to provide equal sanctity to all withing those lands.

Freedom of Speech:

No group of organization may limit your ability to communicate with others in any way. This includes across international borders. No limitation on any government program funded communication device or group of any kind may do so, or limit the information being received from any location on or off Earth.

Full Investigative Protection:

All heinous crimes will be given the full extent of the law and will enable under international law. The ability to limit investigative power does not exist. There is no limit in terms of time, all cases not heard in literal open court are invalid.

Justice with Lidar Radar:

In places like Nigeria mass terrorist type abductions are occurring to combat this we will implement a lidar focused radar system that will be used to return the lidar signal using a specific material of components to do so. This can be put into the soles of all shoes, into images on shirts, backpacks, kids toys, emblems to including in the seams of cloths and hair ties.

Lidar will be used to scan the forest the individuals use to hide regularly to detect any changes during emergencies and report directly to the police chief of each city. A weekly scan will used as reference and all detected differences used to triangulate the position.

Leaving no "Forest" to hide in. We do this because we love our children!

Children of Freedom:

It will become standard for each individual to be taught the constitution in every grade till 9th. No more will any child be ignorant to the Law of the Land. Nor will any civil servant, guard, officer, politician or soldier.

Justice to the Wise:

Our senior living homes require serious monitoring, for permitted practices such as: courtesy, and human rights. These human rights must be upheld and a system of monitor using a 3rd party Anti-Elderly Abuse will be used to prevent Elderly Abuse and negligence, from happening and will be required to permit the care of our loved ones, all request for review will be sent through a third party system of trained individuals just like Police Reform 1.0 T.E.A.M.I.F.

For no human shall be made a slave again of any kind.


What is it: When an animal is horrified and the brain releases toxins into the body this produces a type of intoxication. Just as regular drugs do but with specific chromosomes of adrenaline and fear. This lowers the mental thought processes ability to govern it's own mental state as the brain is no longer producing its own. This may cause extreme sensations of intense hunger, which would lead to cannibalism.

To cure this you must synthetically replace the chemicals slowly and gradually to ease the body back into it's original conditions so it may begin to activate its own glands again once the signal is given that it needs. This should not be painful but soothing and most likely very long depending on how engaged one is and while some say they may be "just different" it is in fact a mental digression through intoxication. Nobody is superior as we are all equal under Heaven, nor would anyone hate you for being a victim of your own ignorance.

While some may not be aware of this conditional, it affects many on the planet, most of what is here is for worst case scenario, most of you can just stop right now and it won't impede your abilities. You will need to isolate each particle compound of the fluid and then calculate a residual decrease which can be adjusted in real time in case a level is off, then reduce it completely till the compounds are not required and, this is probably going to be a uncomfortable feeling as would anything with withdrawal. With the use of removing scar tissue and the Lazarus Pit for enhanced bio-regeneration the facial scars and as long as we can use a fluid that can interact if absorbed directly into the blood over time. see

This is just a prolonged exposure to external stimuli which inhibits productive cognitive growth. Everyone to include those harvesting meat are effected by this directly and it is time Stops. We can do this together.

All individuals under suspect of acts of treason will be given no meat products to ensure the mental health of each individual is not being used. All electronics and property will be gone through and the food will be provided by secure direct escort. You will be given the ability to order from a store but it will be done by and when the unit decides. You will be given the vegan product selections to ensure stable and correct recovery.

Police Reform 1.0 T.E.A.M.I.F.

How True Americans feel about racial tags... The use of this term White and Black I find to be insulting. I am not a crayon. I do not wish to be subject to the use of, in the form of dehumanization, to refer as, with any intent, in reference to, with or without malice, the use of colors as a means to identify the national origins of another citizen.

Police Reform 1.0 T.E.A.M.I.F @joebiden @kamalaharris #justiceforgeorgefloyd @potus @cnn

Transparency: Each officer, guard, or civil servant involved with public protection shall be required to wear body cams, that are wifi accessible to the public using a secured public access system. When transportation or other sensitive operations are conducted it shall be monitored by a neutral, third party certified individual for the purpose of protecting the rights of both officers and citizens. Everyone is accountable. While some may consider this to me a issue it is not, when a neutral party is required and it needs review, the victim complains to family for instance: the support is provided to the mother to request a review of such event. When this is done the reviewers (of at least 4) then set a time and date to review it and then contact you directly after the review and explain it to you directly. Once this discussion is concluded and if the event is in question all information is passed to a judge direct. If the information is within the bounds and the individual was unaware, they are no longer unaware.

Equality: Upon use of the wifi system we can then use a new grievance system which enables the families and public to observe and report misconduct to both their loved ones and others. This system should be held 100% outside the group of peers to include the courthouse's. A new position would be enacted to address the specific behaviors and actions held on those videos. This is to create a direct line to a supreme court judge to enact direct actions which shall be enforced directly by any civil servant. This removes the public's inability to protect themselves and calls to justice those that harm others.

Accountability: Since the wifi and grievance system is now in place we hold them accountable for there actions. From beat cop to jail guard it will be clear they are under watch. The public itself then becomes the Eye in the sky and when something happens all the video and audio shall be already available to any member of the public "top" review with respect to nudity as all Americans have freedoms and rights even under judicial punishment. If a current civil servant acts out of line a simple but proven effective system like article 15's has been very effective in handling misconduct, I suggest a similar system be enacted for those who where the uniform of our country.

Morality: Morality is the foundation of our country for which it stands, and must be employed in any way possible in all categories to build humanity. American military values are key to integrating values into both the police systems and public structures. This alone is one of the key pieces to who we are. A new civil servant structure in the active duty military ranks similar to our present recruiters shall be made to create right seat rides and instill cooperation, values, on hand guidance with side by side education in general conduct becoming of an officer, guard, beat cop. Additionally if the civil servant wants to engage in advanced military value training and processes they could begin by training under boot camp training programs to gain additional intensives in rank, pay, or choice of station. this could also work with active duty nco's and officers as a well balanced system of integrating military values. Imagine a dare officer at school. Imagine a Captain. This will help instill morals and patriotism, while being able to remain very close to the public and learn from them also.

Impulse control: To finalize how we deal with impulse control we need to build a psychological diffusion and creation system. This is done daily using a basic tablet or phone based application 15-20 min game "so to speak". You use this to break down and rebuild synapse's within the core of the brain using logical procession reasoning in a fast paced controlled environment which entails how to identify and classify a individual properly based on instant judgement control or reflex training from the sub conscience. Additionally we then could use this as incentives for those that score well to engage in higher public jobs for additional pay, rank or station choice. This could even be used to teach basic first contact with civilians and be used to instill a higher standard of civil service. When used properly it will promote a desire to improve in these areas, using competitive constructs, more choices and improved pay.

Freedom: One of the public's most crucial issue is the freedoms they lose and gain without the court forcibly instilling it. For instance you get bailed out, why don't you then get the cuffs taken off right away? This is a problem, for when we sign those papers for release, or pay the bail it should not be so that we then remain in cuffs. It should be instant that from the courtroom the individual is then brought out of cuffs and away from others for no free man should wear cuffs.

To conclude the issue we see today is from the police have no training to deal with non violent resistance. when someone sits down and its not where they want you they use force, usually of far greater extent then was given or used. This is a lesson from Steven Hawking, from a man who couldn't stand up and slap you, that doesn't mean you get to slap him whenever you want. I see you.

Dedicated to Martin Luther King Jr.

For All I Shall Stand.

For All I Shall Bow.

I am the American Soldier.

Updated: Feb 21, 2022

My name is Eric.

I will say this outright "I stand for all life that exists known and not known, past, present and future."

Now when I stand for all life, as life has asked of me, to have that life taken from me... For life to have the ability to hand the one thing it has back... Do you really think it would choose not too.

I am a creature of intense morality. The depths of which I have yet to fully explore. After everything I have done, know I have done so, for you. For All. My religious freedoms are protected by the united states constitution. Everything on this website was created from scratch. Some things may be shocking at first but you must remember to continue to read. Know that the purpose of this website is to detail everything known and not known in a way your frontal lobe will understand. I welcome all to question everything. Discovery of your own heart, mind, body and soul will enhance your understanding of existence and give you the ability to learn with eyes unclouded by hate.

I want everyone to remember that even "Jesus" stepped upon a blade of grass, reflexively doing so, missing a moment of focus before a action like doing dish's that wash a ant away. Jesus would morn this and regret it and attempt to improve. To remember. To be greater then before. To do so consistently and with sincerity. One is not given grace by speaking of faith, one if given grace by living it.

Let's change the world...


You use a series of methods to dismantle the organism and prepare it for the bodies immune system.

Lets begin:

First you place the organism itself inside your safe container. This container will be depressurized to implode the organism, next you will pressurize the organism to the extreme so that you crush every part of it, this container is then heated to an extreme and then also cooled to an extreme to produce the organism's chemical compounds without the organic structure intact.

There are standards of extremes for each, such as the max temperature to use. You do not want to release any particles from the contained virus. The basics of this method is to prepare the organic structure of the virus to be fed to the white blood cell like a baby bird.

Just as Anthrax is destroyed by the acids of the Hyena. While some organism do hibernate or go into stasis, they may still be dissolved.

You find the limits of each extreme in pressure, heat, cold and then match the host's white blood cells chemical dissolvent, while ensuring it cannot reproduce.

I want to emphasize the fact your just feeding the white blood cell.

This is then dissolved using the same chemical equivalent that the white blood cell (for all creatures to include animals) uses to create the vaccine which will allow the body to absorb it, giving the natural immunity the chemical id.

The white blood cells are also food for some organisms so to verify we use basic methods already known to our medical teams today. The vaccine to be tested, should be placed and verified by direct food and reproduction stimuli. If it can still eat or reproduce you did not do one of the follow: take away enough pressure, apply enough pressure, use enough heat, use enough cold, intoxicate or inhibit.

Various things such as light are also effective, electricity, draining the energy from the organism yourself to include over working it (exhaustion and starvation), sound even, intense vibrations to include intoxication of the organism to inhibit reproduction or even eating, seeing, feeling, smelling, such as feeding it a chemical equivalent of caffeine to remove or inhibit the desire to feed. Analyzing the responses to the stimuli and and chemical changes will give you the ability to cross reference the entire known chemical database against all known organism.

Remember that the chemical marker for the white bloods cells to register it as a target are present already. Consider a organism that fails to ingest or get ingested, these particles are not forever stuck in the body, all these fluids get removed the same way. Even if the chemical marker used to engage the initial white blood cell the presence of foreign objects of all kinds are broken down and dissolved. We simply need to hand it back to the body.

Understand that when using this method we are including the entire construct as a whole and that there is a difference between the chemical compilation of a selected protein and the chemical compilation of the entire organism. Single protein vaccines are missing some of the following parts of the construct: nucleocapsid protein, envelope, membrane and any other proteins available not present. Using each of these together will provide us the greatest result from our vaccine.

Here is the published article:

Myeloperoxidase (MPO) is a peroxidaseenzyme that in humans is encoded by the MPOgene on chromosome 17.[5] MPO is most abundantly expressed in neutrophil granulocytes (a subtype of white blood cells), and produces hypohalous acids to carry out their antimicrobial activity, including hypochlorous acid, the sodium salt of which is the chemical in bleach.[5][6] It is a lysosomalprotein stored in azurophilic granules of the neutrophil and released into the extracellular space during degranulation.[7] Neutrophil myeloperoxidase has a heme pigment, which causes its green color in secretions rich in neutrophils, such as mucus and sputum.[8] The green color contributed to its outdated name verdoperoxidase.

Here is the presentation speech given at the 12th International Conference on Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases:

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

My name is Eric.

I am here to present to you “The Slammer Method”. A creative and universal method to create vaccines. A new and inspirational method which uses the concepts of physics, biologics and the extremes of nature to combat an ever changing environment of infectious diseases.

This method is rudimentary in design and through this simplicity we can achieve great things.

We begin with a container that is capable of withstanding vast amounts of pressure, as you know most organisms cannot withstand the extreme of such an environment. Take for instance introducing an organism to 200,000 pounds of pressure, then 200,000 pounds of depressurization.

When done so inside this container we obtain an entire particle structure of that organism. We can then introduce it to other extremes of nature such as heat and cold.

Testing an organisms ability to withstand those extremes will need to be conducted. How much pressure is required, how much cold or heat must be applied. These tests will determine how we proceed should the organism cease to function with pressure alone we can move to the next step in the process.

Maintaining the entire organism within the container is critical to obtaining maximum efficiency of the vaccine. Using a minimal amount of these extremes will also be critical. A few good engineers should be able to design the container with ease.

When we have prepared the organism accordingly we then introduce the next step. This is where we introduce the chemical equivalent of the enzyme or MPO used by the white blood cell to break down organism.

We must ensure to verify that the organism is unable to feed or reproduce and this is done through medical research by introducing the organism to its preferred food and reproductive conditions. Observation of the organism in its ideal environment to determine if it is capable of feeding or reproduction must be known and is vital to reduce risk.

When the organism is introduced to the enzyme, it will be dissolved and this becomes the vaccine. The name “The Slammer Method” is literal. It can be used for all infectious diseases to include HIV. Done properly it will create a vaccine using the entire organism and in doing so creates maximum efficiency.

This method was derived from several factors of nature, first of which is the extremes of an environment where removing or augmenting its environment which includes producing excessive force such as pressure or the lack thereof will generally end its lifecycle. While some organism are capable of withstanding some variable of those conditions in nature, we use extremes to go far beyond it.

The organisms will not be able to evolve through adaptations because the organism is not allowed to continue that life cycle. Any organism tested with pressure and shown to be capable of withstanding it should be recorded and then promptly destroyed. By doing this we prevent adaptive activity.

In nature the mother bird dissolves the food before feeding it to its young, this model was used to determine the general concept of introduction in regards to how we will feed the white blood cell. When converting the model from nature into the concept of our immune system and treating the white blood cell as you would a baby bird we arrive at a very simple but effective method.

When referencing the hyenas ability to destroy even anthrax, we further understand that dissolving the organism using the enzyme or MPO equivalent is a logical conclusion to present the body with an organism.

With that in mind we have a general understanding of what The Slammer Method is and how to begin its application in the modern world. It has untapped potential and should be explored to the full extent using modern science, medical research and technological engineering.

The potential to save countless lives not just today but for future generations is very real and with that said I encourage all of you to present this method to your organizations for research and development.

There are a few things to consider when using the slammer method in regards to the MPO creation and use such as:

Does the MPO we design decay?

Is there a shelf life or do vaccines need to be made on the spot?

Is there a difference in blood types for the MPO?

Are there other differences such as age?

Is replication of the MPO itself usable or do we need to replicate the entire enzyme structure?

Will the use of the MPO or complete enzyme replicated produced cause any unwanted results?

When introducing this into the body, how much can be used at any one time safely?

Can an external introduction the vaccine to the white blood cell be used “in-vitro”?

Is it possible to just modify “pressure” to cease organic functions and apply the organism for presentation to the immune system?

Another concept to take into consideration is external introduction. By this I refer to “in vitro” and then administering the cultured cells back into the body. This would mean extracting blood, either removing or separating the white blood cells, administering the slammer method vaccine and then reintroducing the blood or white blood cells back into the body.

Considering the seriousness of some infectious diseases such as hiv we should should consider every possibility and spare no expense to its solution.

Todays science has a very small amount of information about the concept of a particle, the concepts of the particle are obscured by the concept of mass. When you remove the concept of mass and begin to associate the parts of a particle without the use of algebraic formula you return to the same way reality or existence actually calculates the particle as a whole.

We currently grasp this using algebra where a plus b equal c. Where a volume of density equals mass. Removing the construct of mass and replacing it with the closest representation will provide the greatest result. Where we then see a volume of density as the concept of mass is removed. A universal method to consider is a volume of density equals a particle.

This construct is a far better representation of the quantum structure of all particles and removes some very important misconceptions. We associate the interactions of the particle as a whole based entirely upon positive and negative interactions, as well as source and result. Making sure not to confuse the result of an interaction as a source while doing so.

Associating all quantum structures as a particle while using source and result analysis by breaking down the positive and negative interactions between any and all influences I include potential influences will provide a depth of understanding that will result in the greatest accuracy of information. A very basic concept of this is:

Does the organism reproduce, feed or act differently under sun light or other forms of the same?

Breaking down each particle of the environment regardless of how insignificant it may seem will help identify any and all positive and negative interactions.

I am not going to go to far into the misconceptions of algebra in regards to reality that will be for another day. But taking into mind what was explained here and the words “physics makes your biology from scratch” is key to grasping our future as a species. Another few words to take into consideration is “reality does not use algebra”.

I would like to thank you all for listening and for the invitation to present this method to you by our gracious hosts.

We can change the world.

Second publication of both abstract, biography and fundament article:

Syndicated Press Release:

Key Factors Any Vaccine method should use:

Preparation of the Vaccine without introduction of new Toxins.

Use of the entire organic structure for complete bio marker identification.

Ability to include every organism in the same manner.

Contain no genetic manipulation factor.

To cite this properly use:


Eric Maker



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