Pi at the core of it's creation is the curvature that creates the area or circumference of a circle and sphere. No difference is present in the term circumference and the Curve that is it's volume. When measured to the atomic level they are the same.
We first begin to define Pi at the integer of 360. This is a proper circle and sphere of infinite curvature. Logic dictates we begin at 360.
360 = pi = 1
Now we currently use a irrational and unusable digit to define this curvature. We will now begin using Divisional Segmentation to rationalize our 360 degree curve.
We begin with what we know. 355/113(china) & .31605(Egypt). Each of these when used beside 360 produce a segmentation interval at 114.
1 divided by 360 = 0.00277777777777777777 x 114 = 0.31666666666666666578 (move decimal over one) x 114 = 360.9999999999999989892 we are actually over the designated number.
Our calculators have problems with precision and division. More accurate with multiplication and addition.
So lets do this the right.
1 divided by 360 = 0.0027777777777777777777
but when calculated back to 360 we fall short.
0.0027777777777777777777 x 360 = 0.9999999999999999972
Note the calculator flaw.
Now we do this 0.0027777777777777777777 and we give it the end point. 0.00277777777777777777779 x 360 = 1
This number defines the accuracy of the curve. To exist between at this segmentation as 77 - 79.
Now let us apply our triangulated divisional segmentation to this number.
360 divided by 114 = 3.15789473684210526315
Now we know we have a issue going back to the 360 interval so lets correct this before we continue.
3.15789473684210526315 has identified that the curve exists between 78 and 79. so lets add our 79 and see what happens.
3.1578947368421052631579 x 114 = 360 divided by 114 = 3.15789473684210526315
Take note of the calculator flaw when using division.
Here is another method reducing the remainder.
So 3.16 x 114 =360.24
360.2400 divided by 114 = 3.16 when entered into a calculator.
So math says we remove this from the remainder through even segmentation.
2400 divided by 114 =0.002105263157894737
subtract from 3.16 and you get 3.15789473684210526
You use this method the refine the number. Placing the remaining integer back into the radial curve through the 114 divisional segmentation.
To verify accuracy we use multiplication as the calculator is more accurate.
3.15789473684210526315 x 114 = 359.9999999999999999991
3.157894736842105263157 x 114 = 359.99999999999999999989
3.1578947368421052631578 x 114 = 359.99999999999999999998
3.1578947368421052631579 x 114 = 360.0000000000000000000006
3.15789473684210526315789x114 = 359.99999999999999999999946
compared to 3.14-
3.1415926535897932384626 x 114 = 358.14156250923642918473
3.1415926535897932384627 x 114 = 358.14156250923642918474
3.1415926535897932384628 x 114 = 358.14156250923642918475
3.1415926535897932384629 x 114 = 358.14156250923642918477
3.1415926535897932384630 x 114 = 358.14156250923642918478
While this may appear more accurate to most it is not. The accuracy comes from the exact digit from start to finish, when this digit never varies you achieve perfect curvature which is found by divisional segmentation at 360 by 114 to produce the most accurate rational integer to use as the mathematical value of the completed 360 degree object. Allowing for no data loss during area calculations between any formula of area such as a square or triangle.
In conclusion we notice we can create any number of divisional segments such as:
360 divided by 113 = 3.185840707964601769911504424778761061946902654867256637168141592920353982300884955752212389380530973451327433628 and then begins to repeat.
Which when calculated back is:
While compared to the number of digits of 114: (112 decimals)
360 divided by 114 = 3.157894736842105263157894736842105263157894736842105263157894736842105263157894736842105263157894736842105263157
When calculated back is:
while it is:
359.9999999999999999999892 (at 23 digits-157)
359.9999999999999999999995(at 23 digits-3.185)
3.185 while closer to resolution at 23 digits remains a incomplete divisional segment that wont resolve till the 112 integer and then repeat.
Pi is =41040 divided by 360 = 114
We do this again at 360 divided by 115:
360 divided by 115 = 3.1304347826086956521739 then repeats
If we use 3.130434782608695652174 we get:
3.130434782608695652174 x 115 =
where as:
3.1304347826086956521739 x 115 = 359.9999999999999999999985
What does this mean?
It means that while the result is greater in value toward the total of 360 it is also much larger before the integer of 1 remains where you see the repeating digits.
Now I am adding this part after the fact I submitted it to several journals and also to the American mathematical society where I explain how to obtain absolute area.
When calculating this you use the 0.00000000000000000000054 remainder gained from this: 360 divided by 114 = 359.99999999999999999999946
This says we are missing the 0.00000000000000000000054 to obtain perfect mathematical area we times this by the area and add it to the previous calculation for instance.
radius of 9 gives 81 sq so = 255.78947368421052631578909
then Pi x 0.00000000000000000000054 = 0.0000000000000000000017052631578947368421052606
this is x by the radius then added to your area for perfect mathematical perfection
81x0.0000000000000000000017052631578947368421052606 =0.0000000000000000001381263157894736842105261086
255.78947368421052631578909 + 0.0000000000000000001381263157894736842105261086= 255.7894736842105263159272163157894736842105261086
Absolute value is 255.7894736842105263159272163157894736842105261086
We can do this with 3.14159265358979323846264
81 x 3.14159265358979323846264 = 254.46900494077325231547384
3.14159265358979323846264 x 114 = 358.14156250923642918474096
ill stop here...
"It's Just Elementary"
Dedicated to Sherlock Holmes.
To cite this use the following:
Eric Maker