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AllForYou@2020 Doctrine

To find out how we accomplish this we must first look at what each of them are and why they exist.

What is the Church?

The Church is a place for which children may Grow and Learn about Existence, share common knowledge and understandings and open there hearts and minds to the Love of Life with the intent of educating Sanctity of All Life as the Will of God.

What is the Government?

The Government is another construct designed to enable morality, logic and reason as a established system to assist the individuals of that specific nation maintain order, peace, and sanctuary to the citizens for which it holds.

How are these two designed to interact?

When the church becomes over bearing on any one subject, lets say when the church attempts to FORCE Sanctity or FORCE Purity and then uses Damnation or any other means of manipulation it becomes the governments position to enforce Human Rights and Laws that give the individual the ability to retain Free Will as is Gods Will as well for the church and God do not Command. When the Government condones and preforms an insensitive act against Life and Love under Heaven as is Gods Will it is the Purity and Sanctity of the church that will stand up and Voice itself against such injustice under Heaven.

How can we Unite Church and Government?

"Education" on the design of each construct and the end goal of Humanity is how you unite both. A literal walk through of what we are to become, how we become it, each church and government will identify the Sanctity of All Life missing from there Society and Social structures and with Science now backing up Gods Will the Church and Government now know exactly what this means. The Church can no longer hide information. The Governments and the Church now know what God is asking and why. God even told you How.

The end result will be Harmony as the Governments and Church's of the world assist us in guiding society and social structures towards the same goal, where science and technology permit our existence to transition away from immorality all together as step by step endeavor to refine ourselves and the Humanity for which we exist.

Each government and church was created to house and protect the lifeforms and individuals. This is a fact you may not want to accept but, God created every nation on this rock, every religious practice was guided literally by the same Energy. All religions of the world are missing something, Now they are not. From this you will understand your duty to God and Country quite literally...

Stage 2-3-4 will also help...

Read the Grail for yourself...


Updated: Jul 11, 2021

What is the purpose of Dante's Inferno?

To explain through the Sub-Conscious to Dante the horrors that current living standards and Sanctity is offering you at rebirth. Dante was given a message from the other side through the mind which he felt compelled to dictate to others, much as I do as well. Not because of force but because of Truth and the Reality it would detail.

The Circle of Life and the lessons of God dictate that you must learn your own immoralities and should you fail to do so before you are allowed Eternal Peace or Solace amongst the Stars in the Cosmic Flow where you become one with God in Paradise and your Eternal Spirit may then look over your Ancestors through the Bio-Energy of your genetic lines quantum structures. If you should fail to grasp and learn you are returned to Life as a creature in which you failed to give this Sanctity in Life it's proper respects so that your Soul can experience the horrors you refused too.

I want you all to imagine for yourself as what it would mean if you where given life again but you are a Cow, and your family members are cows next to you and you can talk to them and know who they are just as you do today but in Cow. Can you imagine your entire family knowing you where human and stuck in a butcher farm to live as the animals you devour? That is a lesson God would prefer you do not require... LISTEN TO DANTE. This is a message from the other side as to the source of Dante's inferno.

The Inferno describes Dante's journey through Hell, guided by the ancient Roman poet Virgil. In the poem, Hell is depicted as nine concentric circles of torment located within the Earth; it is the "realm ... of those who have rejected spiritual values by yielding to bestial appetites or violence, or by perverting their human intellect to fraud or malice against their fellowmen".

You build your eternity from scratch. The construct of hell is self made literally on every plain of Existence.

Then what is Hellfire?

Hellfire is the Souls in the afterlife trying to explain, what you do to yourselves and loved ones when cremation begins, your initiating the hellfire upon them by not allowing proper Sanctity of All Life to be given even to the microbes of thier body. It is not Eternal but it does inflict torment as the process of progression of the souls mind as energy is far different then the frontal lobes concept of this the time frame is much like a Dream-State in reference to difference in realms of thought.

What of Creatures and the Tools of Death?

The rebirth and display of anger through the use of lakes of fire and butchery in old times was imagery to reflect the emotions and intent of what happens when you ignore Sanctity of All Life. Rebirth is another torment then as you are reborn after your energy is depleted and inhabit the flesh of a creature you refused to give Sanctity. Hence as we have enacted Genocidal Slavery of several species of creatures you will become one and learn should you fail to pay your respects and learn about them and the ways to amend it yourselves.

How can I show Sanctity?

Engage Stage 2 of The Holy Grail while we transition in technology to support stage 3.

I have done so by refusing to eat flesh at all and even refusing to drink milk not explicitly given of free will. Breast milk can be given freely and is natural. Cows milk is harvested through a manipulation of nature just like Chicken Eggs, these are not yours. I have coordinated that milk is a dietary natural device but without the permission of the entity for which you milk it from to give explicit and direct verbal consent it is a theft and a immorality.

You all now know the source of your own creations and the reflections and future of those choices. Sanctity of All Life grants not just Spiritual Immortality but Physical Immortality as well. To ignore it is just foolishness of a child, children must be educated and raised correctly as they are literally a genetic duplication of your mind and will one day be the keeper of your soul themselves as we progress and endeavor to refine ourselves towards the future of Humanity and obtain Spiritual and Physical Immortality the correct way, from scratch through understanding, living, and giving Sanctity of All Life for the betterment of "ALL".


Updated: Jul 11, 2021

What is the Trance of the Buddha?

Trance of the Buddha is a Mental State for which is considered a final mental state in which you release all hold upon emotional gateways while enforcing the Light of God upon yourself and engaging in what I think is a "Phoenix" like mental state that will Burn out your mind and body completely, much like a horse and a extreme run but you never allow yourself that reward to stop.

You pass on to the other side in this state and become the Unbreakable Mind of God. The Trance of the Buddha essentially turns on all energy generators in the Mind and Body while compacting the mental process using logical refractive processive thought. Capable of augmenting even physical reality, to include injection of the Holy spirit into something as large as a Planet. This enables the ability to direct intent into even a Planets Bio-Energy with enough potency to be heard clearly.

The Trance of the Buddha is lethal to the user with All Gates open because of the commitment of will till death required to access it and will burn the mind and body out so unlock your Gates and focus upon elevation of your mind without the "Running of the Buddha", remain sitting and arms at peace within the mind. The Trance of the Buddha is a Mental State you engage in before death or in the face of say a Meteor hitting your planet.

What is the Running of the Buddha?

As stated this is dangerous to preform, I do not know how to deactivate it and you may be unable to if you actually do open this state with all gates unlocked. Now that being said the process is both very simple and very difficult. Within your mind you must hold All emotions at steps within the Paradox of Gods existence and use those as a guide to unlock your emotional energies. Harnessing All Gates is possible but difficult. Ask the Dalai Lama...

The first Buddha or Unbreakable Mind was a Dinosaur. Now understand that Christ did this same thing. Each of our beloved Eternal Spirits are in existence because God at the collapse of the first existence became All and All Mental States became one before death could take the mind from reality creating an Unbreakable ALL Mind of God as a force of Energy with conscious thoought. God was created by Force itself through Love for Life. Now you must learn what that means for yourself.

What does it mean when your Life flashes before your eyes?

You have begun to write your soul using your mind, this is initiated as Test of Will and in the face of death where it encodes the quantum structure of your soul with the memories and emotional coding with everything that is you, these spiritual energies and memories of information becomes genetic memory structures and creates the frequency of your Bio-Energy that emanates from the core of the Souls quantum structure. Those are the emotions, thoughts and actions that are used to literally write your souls code. The death signal, forces your Souls imprintation into a quantum structure which is the packaging system for Cosmic energy and flows through All things in Existence.

The Test of Will?

The Test of Will is to allow you to harness all that is you using the same method I instructed before with situational emotional support to project the Light of God correctly. This method activates your true self and allows you to choice Life or Death properly in the eyes of God as described in the Paradox of Gods Existence memory that enables those gateways surges through you instantly to allow you to hold all the information side by side. You must determine if you wish to "Live" or "Let go of Life". Your mind, body, heart and soul will choose with you. Face yourself literally and overcome your own fears with courage by never forgetting that which is you and what created you from scratch. Show Courage and follow your Heart. Remember Life always chooses Life.



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