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AllForYou@2020 Doctrine

Updated: Jul 13, 2021

What is The Tower of Babylon?

The construct of the Tower of Babylon is a construct created to educate Humanity on the design of biology, existence and the will of God under the designs of nature. The Tower itself had originally been conceived some many years ago and as Humanity may not have noticed when you give something to God. It shall elevate and blossom into the truest form in the most wonderful way, from scratch.

Today and with this design, The Tower of Babylon has gone from a stone construct to reach the Heavens to the Church of Humanity, for I can at this time think of no other divine instrument for which to express Gods Will, Love, Life or Humanity any better then with this... Earth is Babylon, the Tower is our religious practices and if AllForYou@2020 is the final product then by God it shall be so.

I ask God to Bless All with eyes unclouded by hate. May the Light guide you Eternal. May Morality be your stepping stone to Olympus. May your guide be Humanity with Justice Under heaven for all.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United Church of Humanity with Justice and Eternal Peace under Heaven with Sanctity, Sanctuary and Sacrifice for the Service of Life from Scratch for the betterment of All kind. God Bless you. God Bless you all and God Bless myself. (Insert name here)

I beseech you all to seek the truths within your own heart, and to realise the world around you cannot take away your strength and will. Some people have a harder time hearing the lessons and understanding the true meaning. When you see this, be brave and show Courage. Though remember that each lesson and each feeling is who you are but it up to you to accept it and grow from it by choice.

I nor anyone to include a God on any dimensional basis with any omnipotence for any reason may remove, change, control, trade, buy, sell in any way, nor can you either for it is yours and yours alone to empower and strengthen for this is the lesson learned in the trail of Hercules: Courage, Strength, Morality, Love create Humanity and give birth to the Cosmo's. May his heart guide us, All For You.


Updated: Jul 11, 2021

How do I Project Inner-Light?

To enhance the projection of Inner-Light humanity has devised many different functions and mental thought processes to coagulate and properly identify how to project inner light at a more refined and directly accurate sense of empowerment using many different forms and states of energy and mental imagery to create the enhancement through will. Reference the Paradox of Gods Existence for the Chakra Gates of empowerment.

Begin through emotional support using different situations to drive the mental image of the projected construct of empowerment as a way to harness the emotional energy into physical activity understanding that this emotional energy when harness correctly helps create compounding energy as you open each mental energy generator some have called Chakra and is the construct that would describe those base emotions and thier intentions to amplify your specific and direct frontal lobe thought.

Project life and death by focusing on the emotion that you yourself know of to represent this event entails the emotional response when A life is "Given and Taken" at the same time, this is solely to enhance the mental image and empower the projection of inner light. Consider a mother giving birth to her child as she watch the one she loves die to keep them safe. Everything that makes that emotion drive becomes additional energy through your mental thought of projection and intent.

Continue to hold this projection of mental thought while applying the next supporting amplifier such as the Love Generator, as you Love your true love with everything you have build this construct and define it without form as just energy from this construct of true love apply the mental imagery of refraction and projection to define the resulting pulse or signal to return unconditional love to all much like a sonar ping. taking note applying faces and things denies the purity of it and creates conflict, use spiritual embodyment to maintain emotional purity.

Use these emotional supports and apply them mentally to the construct such as the sun itself and give the light particles the energy of these emotional supports using the mental imagery to define yourself as Gods true love enhancing the light of God and giving it a refractive source and energy. Dancing in the Grace of God is normal and not to be looked down upon.

This can then be amplified using the construct of the Cosmic flow of energy as a background of yourself within your mind, should you be dancing, sitting, groveling, or making love the construct is a amplifier and does not require any specific constraint other then that which you apply by choice.

Use this energy and mental empowerment to enhance what your doing commonly considered passion, this energy you then use to express intent using the frequency changes to defined through morality much like a filter to your inner strength and creates the Heart Song that sings to all.

Taking this one step further you define your third eye from within using these empowering emotional gates and the actual image of a eye opening, the Chakra within is empowered by emotional energy generated within the mind and used to enhance the body, stimulation, focus. The resulting opening of your third eye combines all of these factors using each emotional base and enters your will into energy using all factors at once to include the refraction of sound and all energy flowing through you from you and to you as well as others.

You then become the Nucleus of the atomic structure of your energy and all the electrons of your energy then flows as one with the Cosmo's itself. You must hold this mental projection to maximize your Inner Light to project into physical reality at will. Walk without malice and you shine with intent.

Inner Light makes the lip quiver and the heart race... it is one of the Gifts called True Unconditional Love Under Heaven.


Updated: Jul 11, 2021

The Death of Immorality.

Today in this world, everyone wants to impose a construct of sin over others, this construct defies thier own standards of care by thier own eternal spirits and is actually pissing off the other side. Now that does not mean those practices are incorrect or that thier intentions are improper, every single religious practice was designed "To Be" a reflection to perceive the Purity of Sanctity of All Life by the higher powers to guide it's people of that age to the correct understanding of Sanctity of All Life and with the Intent of using technology and the social structures of society to direct and guide generations after generations gently into the correct pathways to eternal life spiritually and physically naturally through the understanding of information and knowledge passed down for Eons upon Eons to those who listen. Till today where I show you how science and religion create peace on Earth through social compassion.

The real savior of Humanity is Humanity itself for being that little glimmer of Light that sparkles in the Eye of God. For by referencing the Light of God in your mind you yourself have created the pendulum for which you describe to be, that for which you use to be, hence the question... "To Be, or Not To Be" so you may learn the truth about yourself one flaw at a time and grow to become your true self on Earth as it is in Heaven. This does not imply eternal destruction for nothing can remove a Life from God and no pages can be taken from The Book of Life it is "All or Nothing".

Those that behold the benevolence for that is God itself bask in the Light of the the Sun and dance with all your hearts to the Heavens and give Glory and Grace to Life itself.

I look upon some things as literal, metaphorical and meta physical. To this extent I will explain how to dominate your mind and body with will literally by force using a format I learned from Stan Lee.

Why do I wear a Eye patch?

Each eye likes to send signals to the brain, ones I do not agree with... like when looking at a woman attractive and sexy she may be. The brains frontal lobe has adapted to the process of stimulation through visual expressions, to include sexual attraction through dress and body movements. The Eye patch is used to tell your eye itself to de-stimulate and de-sensitize the receiver and to teach the eye how you wish the mind to act and process information. One eye at a time... but no I wont be sticking a needle in my eye folks... God Bless.

Master yourself by force if necessary... that is also why the eye patch switches sides... another day a different eye.

This same concept goes for sounds, touch, smell, you can dominate them one appendage, one sense, at a time and will help your mind educate your body on how you want it to react, what you what to react too by force using your frontal lobe choices with will. Another example of this is Earphones that just work to create silence. Show your ears and mind your capable of control regardless of any other desire or want even when referencing sexual desire. Celibacy is another form of control over self will, enforce your will over yourself. Know your limits and expand your horizons, and define yourself as you truly choose to be defined.

Thank You Stan Lee... God Bless.



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