As we know we have issues calculating the moment when a object passes another because of mathematics so lets go ahead and figure out how to do this from scratch.
I created the term progression to define time properly giving you a process to define time by order.
We do this using comparison of the first object to the second object. Our objective is to find out mathematically when the tortoise passes the spartan runner.
To do this we must first define each progression for comparison. We will use this to detail when the spartan passes the tortoise in the race.
First we define progression as Progression-al Value or Pv.
Progression = Pv
Next is Distance which we define as D.
Distance = D
Next we define the Progression-al Value at a Distance with Pv x D =PrVD
Prv x Distance = PrVD
Then we define Progression-al Value Distance - the Distance as Pr2
PrVD - D = Pr2 (Pythagorean Theorem)
Then we define the Progression-al Value Square - the Progression-al Value Distance as Transitional Progression-al Value as TPr.
Pv2 - PvD = TPr
Where the value defines at what point in distance you will overcome the tortoise mathematically. When played side by side you will see the exact number of the passing object at the value of TPr.
It will look like this:
Prv x Distance = PrVD
PrVD - D = Pr2
Pv2 - PvD = TPr
TPr x 3.15 = TprV
D - TprV = TT = Transitional Total
So lets put this in action.
object 1 is:
PrV = 8
Distance = 48
Object 2 is:
PrV = 12
Distance = 48
Compared Result:
Object 2 = 49.47727
Object 1 = 48.6621
49.47727 - 12
-48.6621 - 8
0.81517 = Tpr
- 0.81517
47.18483 Tt
Showing that the spartan runner meets the tortoise at distance 47.18483 = Tt
Now we use 3.15789 which is pi to define the exact moment.
We do not use 3.14 because it is not to the exact digit.
It is ok to use 3.15.
0.081517 x 3.15 = 2.5677855
so .081517+.0025677855 = 0.8126022145
48 - 0.8126022145 = 47.1873977855
Where we see the value when the spartan overtakes the tortoise.
Meets the tortoise
passes the tortoise:

This graph defines time as a curvature of progression. Which is where we ended up thinking that Time is a curve. Though that is only because mathematically we can define progression using infinite segmentation.
We do the same thing with 2 separate objects flying towards each other to find the exact point of impact per say:
48 -.02/.01 =47.98/47.99 x 3 =143.94/143.97
48 x 3 = 144.00
144 x 3 = 432
143.94/143.97 divided by 432 = pi
47.98 + 0.0011106481 = 47.9811106481
we can do this too
48.0 -.000000000000000000000000000000000000011106481
and we have the interval
47.9988893519 <-- needs a divisional process for accuracy
0.0011106481 divided by 2 =0.00055532405
0.001110648(1)55532405 <divisional accuracy
48 - 0.00111064855532405 = 47.99888935144467596
<--------------------> Total distance between both objects
95 ------------------95
- convergence point to segment 48 at 96 = 47.5 makes 1 to segment. When subtracted from the total of 48 you have broken the convergence from up from 1 at .5 interval, because pi is a divisional remainder of even segments you have a divisional problem when applying this process as you know with pi. To remove this create the divisions of 3 that go into 4 3 2 1.
There is no shortcut to this method.
Why is this important? To accurately measure something like Spinal degradation or growth accurately you will need to understand how to use precision for absolute accuracy.
Pi Magic.
Why is it both 3.14 and 3.15?
3.14 uses divisions of 3 which allows Pythagorean Theorem to quickly handle triangulation. But when you use 3.15 you have the perfect radial curve of a sphere because it uses 4 even sides and 4 uneven sides to create an inter-changeable division factor of 2 to extract the radial curve. This means we have accurate pi from both a triangle and a circle. One is useful for speedy triangulation while the other is for spherical accuracy.
3.14 is found using x3. 3.15 When you do this you increase divisional factors. Which gives you increased accuracy.
3 -2 =1 < making this number less accurate for area calculations
4-2-1 < giving you absolute accuracy.
3 x 360=1080 - 1
360 x 114 = 41040 - 1
To get pi at 3.14 use 3 divided by 9 = 0.33
To get pi at 3.15 use 4 divided by 12 = 0.33
To get pi at .0027 use 1 divided by 360 = 0.0027
3.14 starts the radius further from the end of the curve then 3.15.
3.14 works for triangulation but not for circular areas because of divisional accuracy at the start of your curve and at the end.
Extracting from 3 sides of a triangle makes the base number larger.
Extracting from 114 sides of a circle makes the base number smaller.
fastest way to find true pi is:
360 divided by 114 = 3.15789473684210526
1 divided by 360 = 0.0027 x 114 = 0.000023684210526315789473684210526
This is progression using Pythagorean Theorem to solve time mathematically.
This graph shows the total distance of the spartan runner as the value of our pi. You use this value to define the moment they pass. This char shows you how it defines the moment of convergence and passing to its most accurate point.
Dedicated to Pythagorus