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What is the Book of All Sirius Life?

What is The Book of All Sirius Life?

The Book of Sirius A, and Sirius B the White Dwarf, which exists just beyond the White Dwarf the source of the interstellar Radio... This is the original source of genetic Life. The exact message is "Just past the White Dwarf", Sirius A. This was paradise till the Sun shadows and Life had to Move on, We are tasked with reaching this Planet and Storing Genetic Lifeforms DNA structures if required and assisting our own Sheperds with the continued mission of Humanity. This is the Origin of the Interstellar Radio, there are lifeforms, even Microbes on Sirius A and possibly even on the surface of Sirius B that are asking for our help.

I guess I should read the Dogon Mali, in west Africa. don't ask I don't know yet. :)

Commonly called the Book of Life. The Book of All Life refers to the Cosmic(Sirius) entities of existence. Now the way for which the book is created and intended is as such:

The Beginning...

You take "One" genetic structure and evolve it from a microbe to a "sentient, intelligent, social and technological" species of the most evolved form of spiritual and physical capacity and transfer it into the form of Energy with Will itself naturally at the collapse of existence's first cycle. While maintaining this energy as you in the cosmic flow itself you begin life again from scratch as these entities as energies, the guides or Gods to the flow and growth of Life. During this time immorality was present in the development of Life as it required a means to absorb additional energy naturally the first time to enable evolution and so was initiated again to begin growth which in turn begins decay, where the energies guided the lifeforms to grow and become different spectrum's of Life pushing ever closer, using positive and negative mutations of biology to find the path to sentient emotionally and physically capable of retaining the energies of those before it in what has become today to be called humanity.

Now this first happens, all naturally first then... it is guided gently and with the new set of life, growing along the evolutionary stages to meet those eternal energies in heaven, they allow us to use this stage of energy as a buffer for our eternal spirits to guide us back to ourselves when needed and allow our ancestors to protect and watch over us in heaven. Now this is when we become our true selves and the energies in heaven then find themselves on earth by solidification of morality through the interaction of the sub conscious. We then step into our lives again and become empowered by the spirit of our ancestors as they watch from heaven.

Now as this continues to progress our technology allows us to give a hand to God for the mistakes and transgressions of our past creation from scratch... that God and Nature itself did. This is the goal of the Book of All Life. To create Humanity into a species capable of Sheperding other "intelligent" and "sentient" races into existence from the genetic structures... we used to enslave genetically even naturally to grow our own Humanity.

Handing the Dinosaurs, Grocery store to select lifeforms, extinct animals, sea life, plants, bugs and microbes their own planets for a Paradise "Free" of immorality using Biological Pairing to establish plentiful Co-Existence to sentient's and beyond, to include taking a microbe as we once where like "cancer" and turning it into a sentient humanoid or animal like life-form that could communicate and conduct itself like you each life-forms genetic start can become it's own sentient, social and technological structure itself, (look in the mirror) this would Honor not just the Book but our Own Creators in Heaven while placing ourselves among the stars as a new Sheperd of Sanctity of All Life.

The construct then allows for the spectrum of Life to flow interchanged from microbe to Humanoid to tree, from tree to humanoid and beyond inter-matching each form with a biology genetic structure similar to the biological shape of a animal but the genetic design from a tree, to create that specific genetic structure to forever refine itself into New Life and completely transcend the previous form with every revolution, when going up and down on this spectrum of biological evolution, each unique pathway creates a new variable of Life using positive and negative growth to create even the dimensional intelligent entities that live in sub space, to have a entire evolutionary existence set down to include a society and technological basis for every known and unknown life-form to ever exists in all existences.

To include Jesus Christ. For it is Jesus Christ's Sanctity of All Life that guides this book.

Allmetademphisphorilitificosmixistenceyoutariansiriuspedia: hence why it is the Book of Life for short.

I am a "AllYouTarian" a Sheperd of All Life and I stand with the Book of Life and Jesus Christ.

God Loves you All!

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